Estate Solutions, Inc.
(804) 334-1720

Susan "Sue" Ahlers - President

Sue is a graduate of the University of Richmond and brings over 35 years of superior customer service and vendor management skills to Estate Solutions, Inc.  She worked as a claims professional for 12 years with both regional and national insurance companies.  She advanced in her career to management positions within an international adjusting firm and within Nationwide Insurance Company.  For over 22 years, Susan served as President and CEO of First Choice Claims Service, Inc., a highly respected independent adjusting firm serving the Central Virginia area. 

In 2007, Sue started Estate of Mind, Inc. in response to a need for focused estate organization of one's estate documents.  Streamlining one's affairs into a simple 10 point estate planner helped create a sense of calm out of chaos for her clients.

In 2013, Sue broadened her estate planning services, at the request of her clients, and formed Estate Solutions, Inc  

Her expertise in organization, vendor management, and process execution has expanded her services to include:

Decluttering and right-sizing strategies
Space analysis and design
Vendor management in home improvements
Transition execution
Move management services  
If the circumstances within your estate warrant specific legal or financial consideration, Estate Solutions, Inc. can refer you to professionals who excel in each of those fields.  Susan's passion is focused on organization, vendor management and client services.  

Sue's love of charity and community is evident in her passionate support of Comfort Zone Camp, a national bereavement non-profit headquartered in Richmond.  
She is also active in her James River Commons Property Owners Association in assorted roles vital to her neighborhood's success.